A schedule (diary, planner, calendar etc.) is an effective tool, and planning effectively is a great skill to have. When I sit down at the start of the week with my schedule, a process begins in my mind. My plans – social events, meals to prepare, clients to see and goals I want to achieve all come together. My mind starts to think all these can happen, not necessarily will happen. This ‘can’ activates potential and potential prepares my mind for motivation. Motivation leads to performing, reducing my worries and anxiety in the process.
Two things in conjunction with my schedule have been very beneficial for my own anxiety over the years. They are:
· Mindfulness
· Planning
Planning in my schedule prepares my mind by getting goals, events, and thoughts for the week on paper. Just the act of putting a goal or a thought on paper can release it from building up in my head or replaying it over and over. I used to avoid using a schedule because I feared it meant I had to commit to the things I wrote down. Once I realised that it could be used as an anxiety-reducing tool, I learnt to embrace it.
