For anyone to recover from serious mental illness, identifying triggers that exacerbate the condition is vital. Once identified, having the discipline to manage and maintain those desires surrounding the trigger can set people toward a path for mental health recovery.
Some may find that managing those triggers is enough in small chunks. Others may feel the need to identify and completely cut the triggers from their lives as they may recognise triggers cease to have any beneficial impact.
Initially, the biggest triggers to my mental illness were a combination of:
1. The stress from my final year at school and the ensuing exams
2. A messy love triangle that involved my best mate and his girlfriend at the time, who I fell head over heels for
3. Marijuana
I soon realised that cannabis didn't go well with my new found medication. After year 12 had finished, i was taken into the local psychiatric ward. Once released, and after much consideration and effort to attempt to live with triggers 2 & 3, it proved greater benefit for my mental health to cut them from my life.
